Monday, March 30, 2009

Tougher Regulations for CA Students..!!!

The following decisions taken by the Council of the Institute are brought into force immediately for compliance by the Students / Members concerned. It is advised that required compliance be made by the concerned students / members. It may please be noted that non-compliance will be viewed seriously and proceeded against accordingly. 


  1. The coaching classes shall not continue after 9.30 a. m. or start before 5.30 p.m. so as to enable the articled/audit assistants to concentrate wholly on practical training.


  1. Members of the Institute who are engaged in coaching be advised not to undertake coaching between 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.


  1. An articled assistant should undergo practical training in accordance with the guidelines of the Institute between 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. During the period an articled assistant shall not be permitted to attend   colleges/other institutions for graduation or any other course.


  1. Every articled/audit assistant shall submit once in a year a specific declaration duly counter-signed by the Principal to the effect that the he is regularly attending training and his college hours do not clash with his articles timings and that no coaching is undertaken by him between 9.30 am and 5.30 pm on any working day. In the event of breach of this guidelines and not taking permission as required, the articles already undergone shall be de-recognised for such period as the Institute may decide. 


  1. Every articled/audit assistant shall be required to maintain mandatorily the Work Diary in the Form to be prescribed by the Board of Studies.


  1. The Institute to call for at random training report alongwith attendance record and stipend details and also Work Diary maintained by articled/audit assistant from any member/firm in respect of any articled assistant at any point of time during the period of practical training for verification.


  1. In case an articled assistant is found not undergoing articles in the manner prescribed he shall be debarred from appearing in the exam upto 3 consecutive exams besides cancellation of such period of articles. The concerned member who allowed such an articled assistant be subject to punitive action besides withdrawing either partly or fully his eligibility to train articled assistant. In Peer Review the Reviewer be required to verify whether training is imparted to the articled assistant in the manner prescribed.
  2. No request for termination of articles is entertained from any articled assistant in general and more particularly during the first six months and also during the last twelve months of articles except as provided in the Regulations. In the event of termination, his articles shall not be registered in the same city.


  1. No request of an articled assistant for termination (transfer) of articleship shall be considered unless  his/her working parent(s) is/are transferred from the city/place where the articled assistant is receiving training to another city and a copy of transfer order / proof is submitted to the principal in proof thereof. On such termination the articled assistant concerned shall join articles training in and around the place of posting of his/her parent(s) and shall not re-register articles in the same city or within 50 Kms radius of the city where he/she has undergone articles prior to such termination.


  1. If the  articled assistant is not able to serve the  articleship for specified  genuine medical reasons thereby opting to discontinue the CA course for a period of at least three months, the termination of articles be permitted, provided that the medical grounds are such that warrant termination of Articleship.


  1. In the event of misconduct involving moral turpitude, gross negligence or unsatisfactory performance of the articled assistant, his articles shall be liable to be terminated by his principal besides being cancelled or extended for such period as may be decided by the Institute. Board of Studies to decide and enumerate the acts constituting misconduct.


  1. Termination of articles be permitted on such other justified circumstances as may be deemed genuine by the Council.


  1. While forwarding the form no. 109 the principal shall state specifically the clause (the relevant clause mentioned above) under which the articles have been terminated.




Friday, March 27, 2009

CA PCC - Inputs for exams - Paper 6 – Information Technology & Strategic Management

Hi Frenz,

I'm just putting down the points that my friend Poonam followed for the CA - PCC exams. The books referred in the note below need not necessarily be followed. You can always follow other books.

Paper 6 – Information Technology & Strategic Management

1. The pattern of the question paper is as follows

a. Information Technology (50 marks)

i. Briefly describe – 5x1=5marks
ii. Explain the following– 5x1=5marks
iii. 2x5=10 marks (2 out of 3)
iv 10 marks
v. Flowchart/Decision Table – 10 marks (SURE)
vi. Short notes – 2x5=10marks

b. Strategic Management (50 marks)

i. State with reasons – True/False - 3x2=6 marks (3 out of 5)
ii. 2x2=4 marks (2 out of 3)
iii. 10 marks
iv. 10 marks
v. Case Study – 20 marks

2. Padhuka publications book will suffice for exams

3. Read the computer glossary to score 5 marks in describing the computer terminologies

4. If you have attended the class, please go through the class notes first and then read the book.

5. Please go through the RTP prescribed for your attempt, as sometimes the exam problem is one of the RTP questions.

6. Your answer should be brief, in points, will surely fetch you more marks.

7. Case study is a very good scoring area. Understand the case clearly and answer the questions briefly and to the point.

8. Time will not be a constraint.

9. The Subject is full of technical jargons so you need to read the subject again and again say 2-3 readings to get used to the said language.

10. Try to go through the past question papers and the feel of the type of questions asked in the exams.

11. Do not leave any topic as the paper will cover the entire syllabus and almost no choices

Further Suggestions / Inputs / Comments are invited.

Thank You

CA PCC - Inputs for exams - Paper 5 – Income Tax, Service Tax & VAT

Hi Frenz,

I'm just putting down the points that my friend Poonam followed for the CA - PCC exams. The books referred in the note below need not necessarily be followed. You can always follow other books.

Paper 5 – Income Tax, Service Tax & VAT

1. The pattern of the question paper is as follows

a. Income Tax (75 marks)

i. State with reasons – True/False – 5x2=10marks (5 out of 6)
ii. 20 marks
iii. 15 marks
iv. 14 marks
v. 4x4=16 marks (4 out of 5)

b. Service Tax, VAT (25 marks)

i. 5x2=10 marks (5 out of 6)
ii. 3x2=6 marks
iii. 3x3=9marks (3 out of 4)

2. Padhuka publications book will suffice for exams both probs & theory. The book has Fast Track Referencer (FTR). It is very good for revision. And get the latest book, i.e the A.Y applicable for your exam.

3. Please focus on recent amendments as many questions will be based on recent amendments. Get the supplementary material from the institute for this purpose.

4. If you have attended the class, please go through the class notes first and then read the book.

5. Please go through the RTP prescribed for your attempt, as sometimes the exam problem is one of the RTP questions.

6. Your answer to the problem should include as many working notes as possible including assumptions.

7. Theory covers more than 25 marks in IT & 12 marks in ST, VAT. Theory are of 2 types.

i. Direct Theory – give relevant points and precise answers
ii. Application oriented – answer as follows

a. The facts of the case
b. The provisions of the law
c. Analysis of the case
d. Conclusion

8. Time will be a constraint so plan your time well in advance

9. Keep practising the problems during your preparations. It will give you momentum and will let you know which problem will take how much time in exams.

10. There is no compulsion to remember the section nos. You will not lose any mark for not quoting the Sections

11. Try to go through the past question papers and the feel of the type of questions asked in the exams.

12. Read the provisions deeply because the questions will be very tricky.

13. Do not leave any topic as the paper will cover the entire syllabus and almost no choices

14. In Padhuka book – Chapter 15 – Taxation of individuals – 20 marks problems are given. Practice them as the exam problem will be on similar lines.

Further Suggestions / Inputs / Comments are invited.

Thank You

CA PCC - Inputs for exams - Paper 4 – Cost Accounting & Financial Mgt

Hi Frenz,

I'm just putting down the points that my friend Poonam followed for the CA - PCC exams. The books referred in the note below need not necessarily be followed. You can always follow other books.

Paper 4 – Cost Accounting & Financial Mgt

1. The pattern of the question paper is as follows

a. Costing (50 marks)

i. 10 marks (5x2)
ii. 15 marks
iii. 16 marks
iv 9 marks (3x3) – 3 out of 4

b. Fin Mgt (50 marks)

i. 10 marks (5x2)
ii. 15 marks
iii. 16 marks
iv 9 marks (3x3) – 3 out of 4

2. Padhuka publications book will suffice for exams both probs & theory

3. Do not leave any topic as the paper will cover the entire syllabus and almost no choices

4. If you have attended the class, please go through the class notes first and then read the book.

5. Please go through the RTP prescribed for your attempt, as sometimes the exam problem is one of the RTP questions.

6. Your answer to the problem should include as many working notes as possible.

7. Theory questions will be very simple and straight forward and please don’t ignore theory and the misc topics. It will help in scoring and also clearing the exams.

8. Time will be a constraint so plan your time well in advance

9. Keep practising the problems during your preparations. It will give you momentum and will let you know which problem will take how much time in exams.

10. While preparing for exam note down all the formulae in a sheet and just before entering the exam revise the formulae for an hour. It will really help you in solving problems quickly and ensure that you are not stuck mid way.

11. Try to go through the past question papers and the feel of the type of questions asked in the exams.

Further Suggestions / Inputs / Comments are invited.

Thank You

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Online CPT rescheduled

In partial modification of Announcement dated 12th February ,2009 , it is hereby notified for the information of general public that the Online Common proficiency Test scheduled on 29th March,2009 has been cancelled owing to less number of candidates applying for the same .

However , on 28th March, 2009 the online Common Proficiency Test will be held only at the following centres: (i) Ahmedabad (ii) Bangalore (iii) Chennai (iv) Delhi –NRO (Vishwas Nagar) (v) Hyderabad (vi) Kolkata (vii) Mumbai (viii) Pune . The candidates who have opted for Delhi (Rohini) centre stand shifted to Delhi-NRO (Vishwas Nagar) centre.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

CA PCC - Inputs for exams - Paper 3 - Law , Ethics & Communication

Hi Frenz,

I'm just putting down the points that my friend Poonam followed for the CA - PCC exams. The books referred in the note below need not necessarily be followed. You can always follow other books.

PAPER - 3 – Law , Ethics & Communication

1. The pattern of the question paper is as follows

a. Law

i. Question 1 & 2 are compulsory (both 10 marks each)
ii. You have to attend 8/10 questions x 5 marks each = 40
iii. Total 60 marks – Law

b. Ethics

i. Question 13 is compulsory – 10 marks
ii. Attend any 2 from the rest 3 questions – 5x2=10 marks
iii. Question no 15 – State whether correct/incorrect with reasons (attend any 2 from 4)
iv. Total 20 marks – Ethics

c. Communication

i. Question no 17 is compulsory - 10 marks
ii. Any 2 from the rest 3 - 5x2 = 10 marks
iii. Total 20 marks – Communication

2. MP Vijaykumar notes / Padhuka publications book will suffice for exams

3. Do not leave any topic as the paper will cover the entire syllabus

4. Law following are the expected marks / topics
a. Companies Act – 35 marks
b. Contract Act – 10 marks
c. Negotiable Instrument – 10 marks
d. Gratuity – 5 marks
e. Bonus – 5 marks
f. PF Act – 5 marks

5. Please go through the RTP prescribed for your attempt, as sometimes the exam problem is one of the RTP questions.

6. Write the answers in points, it will fetch you more marks

7. Please read the provisons deeply as the exam questions will be very tricky

8. Time will be a constraint so plan your time well in advance

9. For the cases asked use the pattern where your answer clearly distinguishes:

The facts of the case
The provisions of the law
Analysis of the case

This will definitely fetch you more marks.

10. Be thorough with the following
a. Drafting notices of AGM/EGM
b. Minutes
c. Legal Documents

As more than 10 marks in communication are asked from above (including compulsory question)

11. Ethics & Comm are scoring sections

12. Try to go through the past question papers and the feel of the type of questions asked and the related provisions of law

13. Law section covers atleast 6 marks for one word answers. It becomes a good scoring area

14. Concentrate well on the gratuity, bonus and PF Act as these are very small acts and the same questions keep repeating in the exams

Further Suggestions / Inputs / Comments are invited.

Thank You

Sunday, March 8, 2009

CA PCC - Inputs for exams - Paper 2 – Auditing & Assurance

Hi Frenz,

I'm just putting down the points that my friend Poonam followed for the CA - PCC exams. The books referred in the note below need not necessarily be followed. You can always follow other books.

PAPER - 2 – Auditing & Assurance

1.Padhuka publications will suffice for examinations. ABC analysis in Padhuka will be

2. If you have attended the class, please go through the class notes first and then read the book.

3. The pattern of the question paper is as follows:

(a) State with reasons (10/12 * 2m) = 20 marks
(b) Comment as an auditor = 20 marks
(c) Theory question = 10 marks
(d) Theory question = 10 marks
(e) Theory question = 10 marks
(f) Theory question = 10 marks
(g) How will you vouch (2 * 5) = 10 marks
(h) Short notes (2 * 5) = 10 marks

4. In items (g) and (h), please note the internal choice given properly.

5. Be thorough with the Auditing Standards.

6. Write the answer in points as it will fetch you good marks.

7. Please go through the RTP prescribed for your attempt, as sometimes the exam
problem is one of the RTP questions.

8. Time will not be a constraint.

9. Do not give lengthy answers but be brief and to the point.

10. In question no. (b), use the pattern where your answer clearly distinguishes:

 The facts of the case
 The provisions of the law
 Analysis of the case
 Conclusion

This will definitely fetch you more marks.

11. In question no. (g), if Notice is given, there can be some common points which will be verified in all the items. So while preparing, just make a separate list of verification items which are common in all. This will definitely help.

12. Just 2 months before the exams Mr. Ganapathi will discuss the important topics for the relevant attempt. At least 50% of the questions in exams are from his important questions. So check out with people who have attended the latest batch of his classes..

Further Suggestions / Inputs / Comments are invited.

Thank You.

Friday, March 6, 2009

CA PCC - Inputs for exams - Paper 1 - Accounts

Hi Frenz,

I'm just putting down the points that my friend Poonam followed for the CA - PCC exams. The books referred in the note below need not necesarily be followed. You can always follow other books.


1. The pattern of the question paper is as follows:

a. 16 x 1 = 16 marks
b. 8 x 2 = 16 marks
c. 8 x 2 = 16 marks
d. 8 x 2 = 16 marks
e. 2 x 12 = 24 marks (12 questions , 2 marks each)
f. 3 x 4 = 12 marks (Out of 5 q attend any 3)
(In e & f above theory and problem questions will be asked & balance questions probs only)

2. If you have attended MP.Vijaykumar’s classes than his class notes are sufficient for the following topics (If classes not attended than get his material from any book store). Padhuka publications book also is good as it covers all RTP & past questions.

3. If you have attended the class please go through the class notes first and then read the text book.

4. Give special focus on Accounting Standard as the same will be asked in Accounts, Auditing & Law exams.

5. Time will be a constraint. You can spend at the max half an hour for each question. Always try to attend 100 marks but don't lose heart if you are not able to attend 100 marks. Attending anything between 90 to 100 marks is really good.

6. Solve the problems step by step as each step carries marks even if your main answer is wrong.

7. Never attend first question at the start as the same will be tricky or time consuming.

8. Just 2 months before the exams Mr. MP Vijay Kumar will discuss the important topics for the relevant attempt. At least 50% of the questions in exams are from his important questions. So check out with people who have attended the latest batch of his classes.

9. When you go through the above authored material you will find many similar problems in a topic, while doing your first reading cut out the similar problems so that before exams you have the least problems for preparing.

10. Theory questions will be very simple and straight forward and please don’t ignore theory and the misc topics. It will help in scoring and also clearing the exams.

11. Please go through the RTP prescribed for your attempt, as sometimes the exam problem is one of the RTP questions.

12. Where all you are making assumptions make it clear in your answer.

13. Keep practising the problems during your preparations. It will give you momentum and will let you know which problem will take how much time in exams.

14. As there is almost no choice in the paper, prepare for all the topics. Don’t leave/ignore any topic.

Further Suggestions / Inputs / Comments are invited.

Thank You.